No sound on YouTube videos in your iPhone? Here some ways to crack it

No Sound on YouTube: How to Fix Audio Issues on Your iPhone

No sound on YouTube videos in your iPhone

YouTube is a popular video-sharing platform that has become a go-to for many people for entertainment and educational purposes. However, there may be times when you face issues with the audio while playing a video on YouTube on your iPhone. This can be a frustrating experience, especially if the video content is important. In this article, we will provide you with some possible causes of the no sound problem on YouTube videos on iPhone and offer solutions to fix the issue.

No sound on YouTube videos in your iPhone

Possible Causes

The following are some possible causes of the no sound problem on YouTube videos on iPhone:

- Volume settings: It is possible that the volume on your iPhone is turned down, or the sound is muted.

- Mute button: Your iPhone may be on mute, and this can affect the sound when playing YouTube videos.

- Bluetooth connectivity: If you have connected your iPhone to Bluetooth earphones or speakers, the Bluetooth connectivity may be interfering with the audio playback.

- Audio output settings: You may have set the audio output settings on your iPhone to some other device rather than the iPhone speaker.

- App bugs: There may be bugs in the YouTube app that cause the no sound issue.

- Operating system update issues: Sometimes, updating the iOS may cause compatibility issues, resulting in no sound on YouTube videos.

- Unstable internet connection: A poor internet connection can make the YouTube video buffer, causing audio disruption.

- Low battery: If your iPhone battery is low, it may affect the device's sound functionality.

Diagnosing the Problem

You can take the following steps to identify the root cause of the no sound issue on YouTube videos on your iPhone:

Troubleshooting techniques

- Restart the YouTube app and see whether there is any change in audio.

- Check if other apps on your iPhone have sound. If they do, then the issue may be specific to the YouTube app.

- Check the volume settings and mute button on your iPhone.

Steps to take

- Go to the Settings app on your iPhone and check the volume settings.

- Check whether the mute button on your iPhone is on.

- Disconnect any Bluetooth connections to the iPhone and reconnect.

- Change the audio output settings on your iPhone.

- Check if there is an update available for the YouTube app, and update it if there is.

- Check if there is an iOS update available, and update it if there is.

- Ensure that you have a stable internet connection by switching to Wi-Fi or mobile data.

- Charge your iPhone if the low battery is causing the no sound issue.

Step-by-Step Solutions

Here are some step-by-step solutions that you can try to fix the no sound problem on YouTube videos:

- Increasing the volume: Simply increase the volume on your iPhone while playing the YouTube video.

- Checking mute button: Turn off the mute button on your iPhone.

- Resolving Bluetooth connectivity issues: Disconnect any Bluetooth connections to the iPhone and reconnect.

- Adjusting audio output settings: Change the audio output settings on your iPhone to iPhone Speaker.

- Updating the YouTube app: Check if there is an update available for the YouTube app, and update it if there is.

- Updating iOS: Check if there is an iOS update available, and update it as well.

- Ensuring a stable internet connection: Make sure that you have a stable internet connection by switching to Wi-Fi or mobile data.

- Charging the iPhone: Charge your iPhone if the low battery is causing the no sound issue.

Other Useful Techniques

Here are some other techniques that can help you fix the no sound issue on YouTube videos:

- Clearing cache and history on the YouTube app: Clear the cache and history on the YouTube app to free up space and improve performance.

- Resetting all settings on the iPhone: Reset all settings on your iPhone to fix any possible configuration issues.

- Updating other apps: Updating other apps on your iPhone can also help fix the no sound issue on YouTube videos.

- Resetting the network settings: Resetting the network settings on your iPhone can help fix any internet connectivity issues.

When to Seek Expert Help

If you have tried all the above steps and techniques and the no sound issue on YouTube videos persists, you may need to seek professional help. An iPhone specialist can help you diagnose the issue and offer a more advanced solution.

Preventative Measures

Here are some preventive measures that can help you avoid the no sound issue on YouTube videos:

- Keep your iPhone up-to-date with the latest iOS and app updates.

- Regularly clear cache and history on the YouTube app.

- Use a stable internet connection.

- Ensure that your iPhone battery is fully charged.


In conclusion, the no sound issue on YouTube videos can be frustrating, but it's also relatively easy to fix if you know the right steps and techniques. We hope that this article has provided you with helpful tips to address the issue effectively.

No sound on YouTube videos in your iPhone


Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about no sound on YouTube on iPhone:

"How can I tell if my iPhone is on mute?"

Simply look at the side of your device and see whether the switch is orange. If it's orange, then your iPhone is on mute.

"Can uninstalling the YouTube app help restore sound?"

No. Uninstalling the YouTube app may delete all data associated with it, including your saved videos and playlists, but it won't help restore sound.

"Why is there sound on some videos but not on others?"

The no sound issue on YouTube videos may not be consistent across all videos. Different videos may have problem while uploading. 

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